The Purge!

One of the major issues I have is not knowing when to get rid of things. I'm not a hoarder by any means, but I do have a really hard time tossing anything that can be "useful." The problem is when you grow up poor like I did, everything becomes useful because it's in your nature to stretch things out, make them last, make us of what you got, etc. I've gotten better in the last couple of years as I've lived with someone who is very minimalist in comparison. I remember when he moved in with me and we were cleaning out room for his clothes in my closet: "why do you have, like twenty notebooks?" Me: "well I bought them during back to school sales when they were really cheap." Him: "Okay. But why do you need so many?" And so we go back and forth about how my collection of empty, brand new notebooks came to be and how I kept meaning to donate them but just never got around to it and I certainly wasn't going to just throw th...