
Showing posts from April, 2019

The Purge!

     One of the major issues I have is not knowing when to get rid of things. I'm not a hoarder by any means, but I do have a really hard time tossing anything that can be "useful." The problem is when you grow up poor like I did, everything becomes useful because it's in your nature to stretch things out, make them last, make us of what you got, etc. I've gotten better in the last couple of years as I've lived with someone who is very minimalist in comparison. I remember when he moved in with me and we were cleaning out room for his clothes in my closet: "why do you have, like twenty notebooks?" Me: "well I bought them during back to school sales when they were really cheap." Him: "Okay. But why do you need so many?" And so we go back and forth about how my collection of empty, brand new notebooks came to be and how I kept meaning to donate them but just never got around to it and I certainly wasn't going to just throw th...

Dealing with Death

     Last week I posted a question in the Satanic Temple Arizona Chapter Forum on Facebook: "What kinds of questions/things would you want to see discussed in regard to parenting as a satanist?" One of the topics suggested was how to talk to your kids about death. Well as unfortunate luck would have it, this was a talk I had to have with one of my own children yesterday.      Yesterday my son came home from school and told me his cat at his dad's house passed away. "I'm really sad." "It's okay to be sad, I'm sorry honey."      Death is not something my children have had to directly face quiet yet. We've had no major deaths in the family, not lost any friends, no notable moments where we've had to talk about it beyond the basics of all things eventually die. So the loss of this pet was the first real experience for my youngest, who is seven, and he had a lot of questions; specifically concerned with her remains. "I think w...

Magazine Trash and Recipes

     A guilty pleasure I've found myself sucked into in the past is magazine hoarding. I've held onto months, even years, of old magazines such as Woman's Day and Good Housekeeping, swearing one day I'll need them because I really want to make that really cool looking Halloween craft or yummy recipe featured on the front cover. Some day I'll need those cleaning tips and how to work out without a gym articles....and I won't say it never happened, because there was the rare occasion I'd whip one out and start flipping through it looking for something new to cook that weekend. However, once I did I usually found myself just being very disappointed. That pretty recipe was bland as fuck and now I'm left with a jar of tarragon sauce I'll never touch again, or that "quick and easy crafting project" ended up being a nightmare and waste of my time, money, and sanity, and in the trash that magazine goes - where it should have gone eight months ago....

A Good Ten Dollar Meal

     I strive to be one of those moms that successfully not only plans her meals out a week in advance, but also ensures she has all the necessary ingredients, AND remembered to take the meat out of the freezer in time...when and if that ever happens I'll let you know. So, that leaves the same pattern of that first half hour out of work being "what the hell do I feed these kids tonight?"      Last night I was craving tacos and I remembered the last time we were in Food City (we had just popped into the nearest store for water) they had 3 packs of different taco meat for $20. Now that was last summer, but I thought what the hell, we went to check if they still had it and they did not. BUT they did have a complete fajita meal kit with veggies, chicken, and beef for ten bucks! So we grabbed a thing of corn tortillas for less than two bucks, a dollar bag of tortilla chips and salsa for $3.99, some jalapenos and onions to grill and had the most delicious fajit...